Sivananda Yoga施化难陀瑜伽进修心得

连续两周赴基隆参由台湾省体育会瑜伽运动协会邹宝香理事长所举办的瑜伽Sivananda Yoga施化难陀瑜伽的研习,虽然因为感冒身体略有不适,但两周活动下来,收获不少。这是第一次有机会在台湾亲炙Sivananda大师-阿帝亚难陀Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj的风采,不用远渡重洋,就可以学习到古老的瑜伽流派,光这一点就很值得了。再加上地点选在基隆的长荣桂冠酒店,包餐点又可看海景,哇~真是茂死哇。(上图左至右分别是施化难陀大师,阿帝亚难陀大师及华淑君大师)

三天的研习,仿佛重新回到当年学习传统瑜伽的过程,在国内早期的瑜伽师资皆传承于华淑君大师,而华大师在当年则是远赴印度学习Sivananda Yoga施化难陀瑜伽,因此华大师一脉以下的弟子皆是研习Sivananda Yoga施化难陀瑜伽,但可惜的是,后期的老师在研习此一流派时太着重在体位法的柔软度,而忽略了Sivananda Yoga施化难陀瑜伽最重要的精神,那就是爱和分享。无形的精神价值远比有形的形体会得重要。


以Iyengar Yoga的角度来看,这些体位法都可能不太精准,对身体的alignment校正线要求得并不严谨,停留的时间也不够长到可以训练出肌耐力;以Ashtanga Yoga的角度来看,少了串连动作所带动的深沈呼吸,心肺功能的强化就少了许多。许多相同的体位法,资深研习者会发现,各家大师的坚持都略有不同,呵~大师的回答很妙,他说,这就像一条鱼,有不同的吃法,因此,技巧虽不同,但只要好吃就好了.见解很妙,四千拨千斤地回答我提问的问题,因为我发现~哇塞,做传统体位法的瑜伽,真的很难耶,和现代的教法略有出入.老实说,瑜伽界的各个流派鼎立,此一现象如古代文人相轻一样,各个流派就像武侠小说中的情节一样,武当、少林、峨嵋各有其千秋之处,就看每个人的选择了。以Sivananda Yoga的体位法,尤其是拜日式,即使好几年不做,但现在闭着眼睛都会做,呵,做了好几年,已深入到骨子里了,它最大的特色是做一个体位法后,要调息一下,放松身心,再进行下一个体位法,再调息一下,但可不要以为慢慢做的体位法很简单,其实,很难,很多动作都很难达成,不信,各位可以去买Sivananda Yoga的体位法书籍,上面的动作有些实在是很难完成,以半月式为例,手要放在下面那只脚的外侧,天啊,这很难做耶,反半月式,也是放在脚的外侧。另外,反棒式,则是手指朝向头的方向,也是难做,蝗虫式则是拳心朝地板,不是朝向自己的鼠蹊部,天啊,这简直是人体大考验!这真的是人类可以做的吗?即便是示范者安库Anku老师,有时也不禁失常一下。

但,先不要下评断,因为这些可都是最传统及最经典的瑜伽动作,在各种瑜伽古老书籍上可以看到的动作,在Sivananda Yoga里都可以找到传承的体位,呵~想要原汁原味,这味就对了。施化难陀瑜伽,是一门古老的瑜伽流派,因其古老,恪守传统,故现代人可以在其身上找到瑜伽最重要的真谛~爱,这包括了六字箴言:服务、爱心、奉献、净化、冥想、 实现(Serve、Love,Purify.Meditate,Realize)。

但,一直到研习营的尾声,我仍感受不到这股精神,于是用科学的头脑,问了大师:Sivananda Yoga与其他瑜伽流派的差异,如阿斯坦加或爱因卡? Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj阿帝亚难陀大师明白了问题,他开始一连串的说明,首先,他开宗明义地提醒我们:瑜伽是全面的,在八支的要素中,体位法仅只是其中一个小小的部分,八分之一。在印度,研习Sivananda Yoga的费用仅只要数美元,参加师资研习的费用也很便宜,我们传达的是上师Swami Sivananda的教诲,帮助弱小的人们,视他们为神的化身,为受苦难的人们祈祷,希望他们在悲伤中感到温暖,我们教导人们不执著,若你深爱着你的子女,那么应将这份爱扩散到每一个小孩的身上,那才是真正的爱,因为在爱的光芒里,它普照着每一个人的心灵。

瑜伽经如诗篇的句子像音符一样敲进在心坎里,在当下这个研习会场里,感受到一股巨大的能量从Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj阿帝亚难陀大师流出,他真诚坦率的个性,让人没有压力,他准时守纪律的要求令人见识到一个真正瑜伽行者的修为,他不是只专注在体位法的指导,他希望我们学会观照自己,照顾别人,在研习营里,不断透过唱颂来专注心灵,在详和的心灵里以巨大的能量祝福远在印度受恐怖分子攻击而死伤的人们祈祷,同时,也祝福远在印度另一位生病的弟子早日康复。

上完这次的研习营后,对各种流派的瑜伽都有了认识,弥补了当年去国外受训时老师要求:希望能在当地找到Sivanada Yoga的老师,实际上课,体会其精神。当年,老师如此的要求,用意在打破我执,打破对流派的坚持,唯有不执著,才能真正在各个流派中吸取养分,体会瑜伽的每一个面向,就好比是钻石,每一面都很美,但少了其他面向,就无法立体呈现出钻石应有的风采。



The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga

Compiled by the Sage Patanjali Maharishi in the Yoga Sutras, the Eight Limbs are a progressive series of steps or disciplines which purify the body and mind, ultimately leading the yogi to enlightenment. These 8 limbs are:

1 Yamas – The Yamas or restraints (Don'ts) are divided into five moral injuctions, aimed at destroying the lower nature. They should all be practiced and developped by the letter but also more importantly in the spirit. They should all be practiced in word, thought and deed.
 1.1Ahimsa or non-violence
 1.2Satyam or truthfulness
 1.3Brahmacharya or moderation in all things (control of all senses). Also refers to celibacy
 1.4Asteya or non-stealing
 1.5Aparigraha or non-covetousness
2Niyamas – The Niyamas or observances (Do's) are also divided into five and complete the ethical precepts started with the Yama.. These qualities are:
 2.1Saucha or purity – this internal and external cleanliness.
 2.2Santosha or contentment
 2.3Tapas or austerity
 2.4Swadhyaya or study of the sacred texts
 2.5Ishwara Pranidhana which is constantly living with an awareness of the divine Presence (surrender to God's Will)
3 Asanas – Postures
4 Pranayama – regulation or control of the breath. Asanas and Pranayama form the sub-division of Raja Yoga known as Hatha-Yoga
5 Pratyahara – withdrawal of the senses in order to still the mind.
6 Dharana – concentration. The last 3 steps constitute the internal practice of Raja Yoga. When Dharana is achieved, it leads to the next step:
7 Dhyana – meditation is that state of pure thought and absorption in the object of meditation. There is still duality in Dhyana. When mastered Dhyana leads to the last step:
8 Samadhi – the superconscious state. In Samadhi non-duality or oneness is experienced. This is the deepest and highest state of consciousness where body and mind have been transcended and the Yogi is one with the Self or God.

这个派别是一位印度圣者Swami(出家人之意) Sivanada所创,但由第二代传人Swami Vishnud-evananda开始宣扬。目前传到第三代。现今全球有约1万位的合格师资,约80个Sivanada的中心或是Ashram。这个派别在印度这个古老的瑜伽国度中,算是少数但又维持其独特性的派别。Swami Sivanada出生于19世纪末,从小学医,从医数年,对待病患视如亲人。而后,接触到一本由Swami Satchidananda所写的一本书Jiva Brahma Aikyam,点亮了他心中对灵性追寻的热情,他开始研读各个经典,直到他决定潜心学瑜伽后,他到北印度寻找他心中的大师,也在喜马拉雅山上修行一阵子。1924年,选择落脚在圣城瑞希凯(Rishikesh)后,他不仅开始传授他自印度古老瑜伽中学到的精义,更开始写书。Sivanada最被人认知的,对后代影响最大的就是他共出版了超过200本瑜伽及哲学的书。很多人因为看了他的著作,被他精辟分析事理的态度吸引,从印度各地或远从国外,到Rishikesh拜他为师。但直到1957年,大师才派他的传人Swami Vishnu-devananda到国外去传授瑜伽。他因此成立了国际Sivanada吠陀(Vedanta)中心。Sivanada这个派别才开始在主流瑜伽世界(西方)渐受到重视。more information…  

Swami Sivananda, one of the greatest Yoga masters of the 20th century, is the inspiration behind the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers.

His Early Life
Born in 1887 in Pattamadai, Tamil Nadu, South India, Swami Sivananda whose name was then Kuppuswami, was a brilliant boy at studying as well as gymnastics and naturally inclined toward spiritual and religious practices.
His parents were very devoted to Lord Siva and Kuppuswami was eager to join them twice daily for worship (Puja) and Kirtan (Mantra chanting).
His natural selfless spirit lead him to a career in the medical field. His amazing eagerness and ability to learn and assimilate his studies earned him the respect of his professors who invited him to attend surgeries while still in his first year of medical school.

Dr. Kuppuswami
The young Dr. Kuppuswami felt a strong urge to go to Malaysia where he felt there was great need. In a short time he was given the responsibility of running a hospital. During these years Dr. Kuppuswami was renowned as being both an excellent doctor and a true humanitarian. Very often he waived consultation fees for patients too poor to afford his services and on many occasions provided medicine for free to his neediest patients.

One day Dr. Kuppuswami had the opportunity to cure a wandering Sannyasin (renunciate or Monk) who then gave the doctor instruction on Yoga and Vedanta. From that day on his life changed, and gradually Dr. Kuppuswami became more introspective and could not stop pondering the great questions of life. Now he felt the need to help people on a more profound level, not just healing their physical body, but helping them to find a cure for all suffering.

The Great Sannyasin Swami Sivananda
Filled with a tremendous desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment Kuppuswami went to North India in search of his Guru. After spending time in Varanasi (Banaras) he travelled north to the Himalayas. There in the holy town of Rishikesh (which means "the abode of the sages") Kuppuswami discovered his Guru who gave him Sannyas (a monk's vows of renunciation). After taking these vows, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, as he would be known henceforth, started an extremely intense daily Sadhana (spiritual practices) and Tapas (austerities) for the next 10 years or so. By the end of that period many co-Sadhus felt drawn to Swami Sivananda for his instruction and his spiritual inspiration.

Swami Sivananda, The World Teacher
From that time Swami Sivananda became one of the most prolific Yoga teachers who has ever existed. Although he rarely left the little town of Rishikesh (with only 2 India tours and no visits abroad) Swami Sivananda's teachings spread quickly throughout our entire planet. He personally wrote – by hand, no computers at the time 🙂 – more than 200 books on topics connected to Yoga and Philosophy. He wrote in a style that is very direct and bursting with dynamic, spiritual energy. As a result many who read his books felt their lives deeply touched and transformed and so came from all of India, all of the world, to learn from him directly, and to bask in his holy presence. The teachings of Master Sivananda are summarized in these 6 words:

"Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize".
In 1957, Swami sivananda sent his devoted and industrious disciple, Swami Vishnu-devananda to the West where he then established the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers 简介
The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers is a nonprofit organization founded by Swami Vishnu-devananda to spread the teachings of Vedanta worldwide.
Upon the instruction of his guru, Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, India, Swami Vishnu-devananda (in photo at right, demonstrating the scorpion pose for his guru on the banks of the Ganges
river in India) headed to the West and began travelling and teaching throughout the United States in 1957. He established the first Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in Montreal, Canada, in

There are now close to 80 Sivananda locations (ashrams, yoga centers, and affiliated centers) around the world. The organization has trained more than 10,000 yoga teachers. The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers are recognized worldwide for teaching yoga authentically, preserving its purity and tradition, which dates back several thousand years.
A Wealth of Information
On this website, you can learn about the various techniques and teachings of yoga and Vedanta and the different activities of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, such as the Yoga Teachers Training Course, Yoga Vacations, and residential, temporary and full-time staff programs.

We also post news regarding the different Sivananda locations around the world. The Yoga Life magazine, which is published twice a year by our organization, is now available online as well. It contains a great deal of useful information and wonderful articles. And please don't forget to visit the "Spiritual Utilities" page.

 The 5 Points of Yoga
In an effort to simplify and clarify the complex philosophies and teachings of Yoga, Swami Vishnu-devananda summarized the wisdom of Yoga in five principles. These 5 points show the way to developing physical and mental health as well as spiritual growth: 
Proper Exercise (Asanas)
Proper Breathing (Pranayama)
Proper Relaxation (Savasana)
Proper Diet (vegetarian)
Positive Thinking (Vedanta)
and Meditation (Dhyana)

Swami Sivananda's contribution to the world is to have revived the tradition of the yoga of synthesis, integrating the four main paths of Yoga into a well-balanced Sadhana (spiritual discipline). The essence of his teachings can be summarized in the aphorism "Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize," seen in our banner image on each page of this site.Other topics covered in this site include: Karma & Reincarnation; the 8 limbs of Yoga; the 3 Gunas; a humor page; Spiritual links; excerpts from the best-seller "101 tips on Hatha Yoga", a collection of vegetarian yogic recipes, 20 spiritual instructions, Sadhana Tattwa (the science of seven cultures), and a page on our Prison Project. © MMVII    Privacy Policy

God only is real. The world is unreal. The individual is none other than God.

Vedanta and Jnana Yoga
The beauty of Vedanta is that it transcends dry philosophy and mere intellectual concept. Vedanta is an actual life experience, a philosophy in practice. This practice includes the many techniques of Jnana Yoga (The Yoga of will and intellect).

Related Pages:
An excellent article on Vairagya by Swami Sivananda in the Spring/Summer '96 issue of Yoga Life magazine.  
Recommended Reading and available in our online YogaStore:The Principle Upanishad, Upanishad Drama by Swami Sivananda. Meditation and Mantras by Swami Vishnu-devananda

阿迪雅特马难陀大师(Swami Adhyatmanandaji)简介
位于艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)的施化难陀道场掌门人阿迪雅特马难陀大师(Swami Adhyatmanandaji)是齐达难陀大师(Swami Chidanandaji)敬爱的弟子。光用一篇文章来介绍大师是极其困难的,因为文字没有办法形容大师的一切。你怎么能在有限的话里去描绘一个无限的人格?他是一个充满活力的瑜珈修行者,有着多方面的、具吸引力的、和多才多艺的人格。他是一个心灵的巨人,每个与他接触的人内心深处都会被他感动。大师总是自然地闪耀着和平、爱和神圣的光芒。各界人士可以在他圣洁的存在中找到生活的安慰。无论对于高官权贵、网球运动明星、或是一般人,大师仍是一贯的平易近人。他无与伦比的奉献、忠诚和对上师服从的精神,在任何情况下都是相当显著的。

身为一个瑜伽宗师,他在印度和国外的军队、大学和私人公司主持了超过560个瑜伽课程。 他精通于组织管理,能够好几天不睡觉一直工作。 与一般人不同,大师可以在同一时间内一心多用地到处用功。他总是严守纪律、迅速、准确并且守时。

在超过四分之一世纪的时间里,他一直不停地向世人传播本师施化难陀圣者(Sri Swami Sivanandaji)的教导。施化难陀圣者曾经这么说:“承受侮辱和承受伤害,是最高级的灵修”。我们敬爱的圣者也以此为自己的指导原则。
Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj of the Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad, is a beloved disciple of H.H Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. Writing an introduction about Swamiji is extremely difficult because words will always fall short of describing him. How can you capture an infinite personality with finite words? He is a dynamic yogi having a multifaceted, magnetic and versatile personality. He is a spiritual giant who touches the heart of everyone who comes in contact with him. Swamiji naturally radiates peace, love and divinity. People from all walks of life find solace in his holy presence. He is approachable to one and all, whether he is a chief minister or a celebrity tennis player or a common person. His unparalleled devotion, loyalty and obedience to the master in all circumstances is noteworthy.
He is one of the most sought after speakers in India and abroad. His lectures are a spontaneous outpouring of divine wisdom. His ability to make the esoteric subject of spirituality simple through a perfect blend of humor, melodious singing and down to earth practical approach put him in the class all by himself. Swamiji is well known for his ability to lead kirtans to the highest ecstasy through his melodious voice and supreme devotion. He is embodiment of love purity, and truth.
 He is a yogacharya, having conducted more than 560 yoga shibirs in India and abroad for armies, universities and private sector companies. He is a master organizer, able to work for several days without sleeping. Swamji can attend to several tasks at one time unlike other worldly people and was described as being astavadhani. He is a strict disciplinarian, prompt, precise and punctual.
For more than a quarter of a century, he has been incessantly spreading message of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj all over the world. “Bear insult and bear injury that is the greatest Sadhana,” so says Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. And that our beloved Swamiji Maharaj has made the guiding principle for himself.

  • 留言者: judyyoga
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  • 日期: 2008-12-10 01:33:22


  • 留言者: Liliya
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  • 日期: 2008-12-12 14:08:48

Dear Judy老师:

  • 留言者: judyyoga
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  • 日期: 2008-12-15 17:20:09


  • 留言者: Liliya
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  • 日期: 2008-12-19 13:43:59



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  • 日期: 2009-06-23 13:00:18


  • 留言者: yentha
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  • 日期: 2012-01-23 15:08:57

thank you…. more on yoga here from the trivandrum yoga

分类: 瑜伽哲学,Pholosophy。这篇内容的永久连结


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